Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Removed, Restarted, Refreshed

I used to keep a different blog called A New Path For Kat.  If you came to this blog from that one, thank you very much. 

If you got here from some other cosmic coincidence well, I'm glad you are here. 

My old blog was all about my new lifestyle with my husband of DD but it got to where just talking about that became a chore.  My marriage went through some huge problems, changes, and upsets.  We have been working on a permanent housing solution for our family for almost two years now.  It's just been such a stressful time.  It got to the point where just looking at the blog made be feel like a failure and made me feel like I was doing everything wrong.

So in February I just walked away.  I couldn't do it and I just needed a change. 

Change is good.

Change is freeing.  I was able to literally give myself a clean slate, or blog, to start this over again. 

So who am I?

I am an introvert.

I am a person more comfortable in a book that a room full of people.

I have a wild imagination.

I am a married woman with two kids and a husband whom I love dearly even when I want to run him over with the car.

I am an aspiring author with an ambition and motivation issue. 

I am a recovering public school teacher turned homeschooler of my two kids.  (Yes, there is an actual recovery period.)

I am a person coming to grips with my sexuality at the ripe age of 33.  I actually thought I was supposed to have this figured out by now.  I am a secret spank-o and I don't mind admitting only to a vague internet audience. I love to be tied up, tied down, and pain turns me on.  I am still no sure how I feel about all that two years after figuring that out! 

I am person in need of some direction and an audience to work through that because really I am only an introvert in real life.  On the internet I am a total exhibitionist.