Sunday, August 11, 2013


We leave on vacation this afternoon.  I can't wait.  We all need this escape time and we have banned certain overly discussed topics for a whole week! 

I will be seeing lots of


I am so very excited for this next week. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Not Moving Past Guilt

I can't seem to move past my guilt that I developed yesterday from my chat with Thing 1.

If I want her to always talk to me about things she is thinking and feeling I have to work really hard on making sure that doesn't come across to her in my expressions.  The whole issue with that is that my face is rather expressive.  Pissed Kat looks pissed.  Sad Kat looks sad.  I have never mastered the whole "don't wear your heart on your sleeve thing."

I think, as sad as this makes me, I am going to have to tell Adam I need to be spanked. 

I hate needing it but it really does help me find some closure in some things. 

Anyone who made it over her from my old blog should know that our dynamic has completely changed which is why I feel comfortable enough to ask. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Mommy Guilt

This morning Thing 1 came to me crying and needed to talk.  I want her to always be able to talk with me about anything that is on her mind; even if it is hard and she thinks I will get mad.  I didn't have a relationship like that with my mother as I was growing up and I think it would have helped me with several long lasting bad decisions that I made, so it is important to me.

She was so upset.  She is the more sensitive of my two girls so I have to make sure I listen to her without eye rolling.  Sometimes the things that she views as a problem are not problems in my mind.  Her sister takes all the sheets off her bed and she cries.  I see it more like well just make the bed again, but she feels frustrated that Thing 2 is destroying stuff.  

She felt like she was being ignored.  Her chief complaint was that all we ever talk about anymore is money, housing, or her baby sister. 

She might have a point there, which is the sad part.  Thing 2 is a huge handful and it's really hard to keep up with her and make sure they both get equal attention.  I feel like I spend most of my days making sure the little terror doesn't jump off the couch, climb the bookshelves, or kill the cat.  She is cute but, Dear LORD is she a handful.  The money and housing thing, well it seems to me like that is all Adam and I talk about anymore as well.  It just seems like we have been in this pit of transition for the better part of our marriage. 

Then I started getting depressed.  It is hard being a mom.  I hate it when my kids feel like they need stuff from me that I am not intuitively figuring out.  I realize that elevates me to a level when I am expecting myself to be all knowing and all seeing which is completely unrealistic.  I can, with my more rational side, see that that isn't logical.  However, sometimes parenting doesn't happen in the logical side of the brain it happens in the emotional part. 

I hear, "Mommy I need you" and I think "Kat you are such a FAILURE!"  I mean really, I am the mom and I should just KNOW that my kid needs  X, Y, and Z.  This leads me into a Mommy depression spiral.  I can know in my mind that it is just a season of our life and this stuff will pass but that doesn't make it any easier to know. 

I hate feeling off balance.